1. Wooden Frameworks are hard to construct and lets face it no one wants to build them !

To build a bath framework has always been a labour of love. Plumbers traditionally have shied away from it and to work out the correct heights and jointing methods as well as how to secure it under the lip of the bath have been tricky for carpenters and neigh on impossible for DIY’ers. In fact some bath makes have such a small lip that it becomes impossible to put any timber under it and still allow for a bath panel or tile backer board on the outside.
At Platinumpie we realised that the old fashioned, difficult, long-winded methods had to change and so developed a cost-effective, quick and easy new way of construction. We call it our ‘light-bulb’ moment ! They say necessity is the mother of invention and having come across exactly the problems above we developed and invented a framework that should revolutionise the way baths, bath frames and bath finishes are done.
2. Wooden Frameworks are time consuming and costly
Instead of a heavy bath being man handled in and out of a potentially small bathroom for the plumber to check the height of the bath after checking the waste fall and then conveying this to the carpenter who turns up later to build the bath frame; the bath can now be installed by the plumber, then the frame fitted within 30 minutes ready for a tiled bath finish just like in the brochures! or a good quality bath panel fitted with ease. No more flapping around of cheap plastic bath panels and no difficult bath panel fixings!
Simple and Quick to Install

As mentioned above, there is a lot of work needed first to ascertain the height of the bath even before construction of a traditional wooden framework starts, there is the problem between trade communications and the time factor involved. If all goes well it takes between half a day and a days labour (for a professional) to complete. When you take into account the materials and fixings on top it becomes very costly indeed !
3. Why
Simple question really ! But why would you want to build a frame in a damp and humid environment made out of wood?
It surely is NOT the best choice of materials?
Our framework is not only galvanised but also spray coated, it is rust proof and guaranteed for a minimum of 10 years.
NEW to 2018
With limited bathroom space but still giving the option of a bath along with a shower, Shower baths are becoming an ever more popular option for families.
To build a bath framework in wood and work out the heights, how to support under the edge of the bath and the jointing methods required is hard enough for a standard rectangular bath but becomes even more so for a shower bath! The return in the bath requires even more jointing methods!
The finish options on such baths are exceptionally limited, either a ‘cheap’ plastic panel is fitted or tiling is used (which looks in our opinion so much better).
Our Tubfix ‘L’ shower shaped bath frame is perfect for the tiling option, especially so as the first panel (850mm) can provide an easy access point for future time.
Please Note: The frame is for a L shower right/left hand bath ONLY.
It will not fit a ‘P’ shower bath. Full technical details can be found on our technical tab.